Itach Ma’aki: Women Lawyers for Social Justice

Itach Ma’aki: Women Lawyers for Social Justice was established in 2001 to give voice to women subject to social, geographic, national, ethnic and economic discrimination in Israeli society.

Itach Ma’aki’s vision is that Israeli law will reflect the unique perspectives of women from all social groups and ensure that they are able to fully exercise their rights.

In order to achieve its goal, the association provides free legal aid and representation for women, in various areas of the law, at each of its branches in Tel Aviv, Beer Sheva and Haifa.

As part of its mission, Itach Ma’aki promotes multi-cultural gender discourse within diverse Israeli communities, including Palestinian, Haredi, Ethiopian-Israeli, and Russian-speaking communities, as well as in many areas of employment.

Together with women from various communities, the association promotes female leadership through the creation of innovative community models, which contribute to the development of unique and groundbreaking legal feminist projects.

The association also advocates wide-ranging policies in the Knesset, the High Court of Justice and various government ministries, and has had significant achievements in this area, which have impacted many groups of women.

You can give to the Itach Ma’aki through JGive, so your gift is tax-deductible. Learn more here.


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